Saturday, July 13, 2024

Fences and Friends

I met a new friend today. Tara stumbled into work with a sweet puppy in tow. She seemed together by her exterior virtues, but her interior life told a different story.  I am not sure how she got over to my side of town since she was from a less than desirable area. 

William got her something to eat out of the goodness of his heart, she asked me when the bus was coming so she could go "home". Home was not really a home, but the streets is her home. She told me she is homeless since her boyfriend was abusing her. She had marks on her face from the abuse. She did not ask for money, but I gave her some, it wasn't much but I think the act of kindness warmed her heart. I have heard countless stories of people who encounter hardships. Most Americans never count their blessings but sure do complain of what they don't have. 

Fernand Leger  - The City

She remarked to me that people would not give her the time of day. Those are the fences. Humans use fences to keep people out of their space. Humans define goodness by their own values; whether their values are right or wrong, humans use those values as their fences. I think I am fortunate in that I have been able to develop empathy. Some say empathy comes from our past suffering, some believe it is a gift of God. I pray every day for God's guidance; I need that to make up for my human limitations. As good of a person I think I am, there are faults in me. 

Fernand Leger - Chimneys on Rooftops

I learned first-hand the sting of those fences, what people don't understand they reject. I did not have the typical upbringing of my peers and of course I paid the price for that. It was not that I was evil but because I did not obtain the same social status of my peers, I was wrong. 

Tara is just one of the many people I met that were less fortunate than myself.  I could by choice use my fences to judge and shame them. In reality, I have no idea what they migrated from - it is not my position to play God. 
Fernand Leger - The Level Crossing

You would think that these people are on the lower-class of society which is just partly true. I have met a large spectrum of people; some were in the top levels of socio-economic status. Those people may not be in Tara's situation, but I can tell you they have their own specific problems, some of them quite severe. "Judge not lest you be judged" is the appropriate comment here. 

Assuming you know about people is silly. Silly people have silly ideas and with silly ideas, they become less than human. 

"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss event; small minds discuss people." -Eleanor Roosevelt. 

"It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

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